Explorers: Ethan Hawke’s first movie, an alien adventure

Explorers is Ethan Hawke’s first film, made when he was just 14 years old. He starred alongside River Phoenix in the movie.

Unfortunately, the film was a box office failure, dealing a heavy blow to young Ethan. So much so that he decided to quit acting—though he couldn’t stay away for long and returned four years later with Dead Poets Society. That marked the turning point in his life, the beginning of a long career. From then on, he surrendered himself to fame: its compassionate, ruthless, challenging, bright, and dark embrace.

Explorers tells the story of three friends curious about exploration, journeys, and other planets who end up meeting aliens. It’s not a bad children’s movie, but the script is a bit scattered, and the pacing feels stiff. Coming out just four years after the hugely successful alien film E.T., Explorers entered a genre with high expectations it couldn’t quite meet.

A stronger writer could have done wonders with the screenplay, as the three child actors give it their all. The encounter with the aliens happens only in the second half, featuring a humorous alien design. However, the connection between the children’s curiosity about other planets and the issues they face on Earth is poorly developed.

The film doesn’t convincingly explain why these kids were chosen by the aliens or how this meeting impacts their lives moving forward. Add to that some oddly abrupt dialogue cuts, and the result feels a bit loose and disjointed.

The best part of watching this film is seeing traces of Hawke’s current acting style even in his debut. Can a person’s smile stay the same at every age?

The way his mouth twists when he laughs, the pauses in his speech that show he’s thinking, the sparkle in his eyes and flapping arms when he’s excited—all of it remains unchanged over the years. Sometimes, you really can tell someone is destined for greatness.